Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer of Death

My summer began with the passing of my dad's brother, my Uncle Bobby. We memorialized and buried him all the while attempting to explain heaven appropriately and comprehensible to a three year old child. As we walked as a family to the burial site my son stated matter of factly that he did not want to go to heaven and he asked if his cousin, Piper was going to heaven. When we talk about Uncle Bobby, he knows that he went to heaven. His idea of heaven, however is an enigma.

It has been said death comes in three's. There was Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and then Michael Jackson.

Ed McMahon's passing makes me sad because I hope he died with dignity. I remember a while back hearing reports of his financial despair, foreclosure on his home, etc. Isn't it ironic that a man who spent many years allegedly making others rich through Publisher's Clearing House perhaps died in bankruptcy?

Farrah Fawcett has been so sick and suffered although she appeared to remain positive and hopeful until the end. I wonder how she would feel about sharing all this publicity with M.J. Unfortunately her dignified death of natural causes related to Cancer can not compete with the death of the King of Pop and all of his eccentricities.

Michael Jackson: I am so conflicted on the life of this man. I can remember being a little girl and wanting a folder with Michael's picture wearing a gold shirt halfway unbuttoned to put inside my Trapper Keeper. I do not think my mother would buy it for me but I remember really liking Michael Jackson. This was around the time of the Thriller era. We had fun in Elementary School singing his songs and imitating his voice.

It has been years since I have listed to his music. I sort of outgrew him as well as disconnected with him when he bought Lennon/McCartney rights to their music and battled with precious Paul over them. But I can never forget his massive humanitarian efforts including USA for Africa/We are the World that touched so many lives including my own.

We all are walking contradictions as we all fall short of the glory of God. We strive to be good, we strive to make improvements, change for the better and we are never good enough. I can forgive Michael Jackson for his shortcomings. But can I honor this icon as a legend or dare I say a King?

If my neighbor were accused of some of the explicit and grotesque perversions such as Mr. Jackson, I feel sure that my community(myself included) would oust him. We certainly would not want him in our neighborhood, near our schools, our children exposed to him. It would not matter to me whether he was acquitted or not, I would want nothing to do with the man ever again and I certainly would want my child protected from his kind. It would not matter if we were called judgemental. The risks would far out way any speculation. So why is it that we will (and our society will) immortalize him and wrap him in our memories in sheets of gold?

We had to say goodbye to Barrett's favorite zoo animal this summer. The gorilla, Jaime died a few days ago unexpectedly. He will be remembered in our household fondly as being gross and grody and funny. Barrett thoroughly enjoying watching him throw up and then eat his vomit once more. Visiting the gorilla has been a highlight of many a zoo trip for us.

Death, while a certainty of life is not an easy topic to discuss with a little one. It seems to be a recurring theme during the month of June. As we enter into July, I hope to visit new topics and give the subject of death a breather.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, the thing about the gorilla is gross. I am guessing he was sick?! poor thing! Next post needs to be a happy one les! Miss you! Hope to talk to you soon!!
